Everyday Shenanigans With Colorful Commentary

Mary Moe...She's a Vegetarian...
Remember that song ...Mary Moe..She's a Vegetarian...

I heard it today and I had not heard it in like 8 years ...prepares for flashback...

:: Flashback :: There was this girl in college (who I will call S.) who had gone to Europe, I think, and then she came back and had this intestinal virus or some bacteria that made it impossible for her to eat any kinda meat and like 15 seconds before, this song was was floating under discussion, and thus she became Mary Moe..she even had her real name in a charm thingie around her neck ...and she was a friend...we liked her...but she was always called Mary Moe

:: Present Day :: Man... I totally love that song..it get's me a groovin'...

::After Thought:: Now that I ponder... I think I did hear it like maybe 3 years ago... and they actually bleeped out the word 'bone'...funny...

//remebers fondly//

//a happy sigh followed by an abrupt 'AHH WHAT?!'//

I just discovered that not only have I been singing it all wrong, I finally found out who sings it and the actual title of the song...

//braces for devastating shock to crumble the foundations of all that is good and pure//

The name of the song is New Age Girl performed by Dead Eye Dick... Lets educate and reform as many as we can...

The funny thing is that they say Mary Moon like a gazillintimes and the song is called New Age Girl and appears like only once...funny...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/30/2004

Say To Yourself 'What You Would Be....
Say to yourself...
What you would be...
And then do what you have to do...

-Epictetus 50-120, Total Stoic Philosopher ;-)
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/25/2004
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QE2 And The Verrazano-Narrows Bridge
The Queen Elizabeth 2 just missed the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge by a mere 12 feet..now that is what I call a close call .
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/22/2004
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It May Bend Your Mind In Half...
I do not know how this works or what it is suppose to do but I am getting good at it...
It was sent to me a little while ago by imaximus and I have been enjoying it ever since...
It is so very excellent..I think it may even bend your mind in half...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/21/2004
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Happy B-day Brotha B
I won't even say how young except to say happy B-Day...

May your pockets be heavy...
Your heart be light,
And may good luck pursue you...
Each morning and night.

BTW...enjoizzel da giftizzel...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/20/2004
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This Is Your Life...
This Is Your Life...
Are you who you want to be?
Is it everything you dreamed?
Don't close your eyes...

Switchfoot is a very thoughroughly awesome group... click on This Is Your Life- mp3 ...it is a short clip but kewl enough...and the current CD super rocks...as an hyphenated word I would call them co-pilot

///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/19/2004
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Wait....They Don't Love You Like I Love You
Wait... they dont love you like I love you...Yeah,Yeah,Yeahs
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/18/2004
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One Month Versary!!
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do...
Two can be as bad as one,
Its the loneliest number since the number one...

No is the saddest experience you'll ever know...
Yes is the saddest experience you'll ever know...

Cause one is the loneliest number that you'll ever know...
one is the loneliest number...
even worst then two...


its just no good anymore since you went away...
now I spend my time just making up rhymes of yesterday...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/17/2004
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Ten Things I Hate About You
I hate the way you talk to me,
And the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots,
And the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick,
It even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you`re always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
Even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you`re not around,
And the fact that you didn`t call.
But mostly, I hate the way I don`t hate you,
not even close,
not even a little bit,
not even at all!

(pause for effect)

I did not see the movie nor the context with which it was given in but I thought it was kinda kewl..plus everyone else was bloggin' it so the leader that I am..I did the same...
10 Things...

///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/16/2004
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At The End Of The Day...Yawn...
Yawn...this is some junk about the most annoying catch phrases ...not very clever...half of them I don't even know what they are let alone what they mean... oh and the other half I like totally use...
...and with all do respect some of them are older than old...read on if ya got nothing better to do...

At the end of the day... we're fed up with cliches...

Plain English supporters around the world have voted "At the end of the day" as the most irritating phrase in the language.

Second place in the vote was shared by "At this moment in time" and the constant use of "like" as if it were a form of punctuation. "With all due respect" came fourth.

The Campaign surveyed its 5000 supporters in more than 70 countries as part of the build-up to its 25th anniversary. The independent pressure group was launched on 26 July 1979.

Spokesman John Lister said over-used phrases were a barrier to communication. "When readers or listeners come across these tired expressions, they start tuning out and completely miss the message - assuming there is one! Using these terms in daily business is about professional as wearing a novelty tie or having a wacky ringtone on your phone.

"George Orwell's advice from 1946 is still worth following: 'Never use a metaphor, simile, or other figure of speech which you are used to seeing in print.'"

The following terms also received multiple nominations:

* 24/7
* absolutely
* address the issue
* around (in place of "about")
* awesome
* ballpark figure
* basically
* basis ("on a weekly basis" in place of "weekly" and so on)
* bear with me
* between a rock and a hard place
* blue sky (thinking)
* boggles the mind
* bottom line
* crack troops
* diamond geezer
* epicentre (used incorrectly)
* glass half full (or half empty)
* going forward
* I hear what you're saying..
* in terms of...
* it's not rocket science
* literally
* move the goal-posts
* ongoing
* prioritise
* pushing the envelope
* singing from the same hymn sheet
* the fact of the matter is
* thinking outside the box
* to be honest/to be honest with you/to be perfectly honest
* touch base
* up to (in place of "about")
* value-added (in general use)

Plain English only has a top 4 list of most annoying catch phrases but has a 30+ list of multiple nominations..umm lil' hint... that is your list too!

BTW...George Orwell also said 'Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.' ..I know what ya thinkin'...WTF!

Fear not for here is your portal to bust down the barrier to communication...Selling Popcorn

///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/15/2004

Papered Windshield Trifecta
Uggh...I saw those annoying paper flyers that they put under your car winshield wipers not once, not twice but three times this morning and on some major roads so ya know they just did not pull out of a spot and did not notice it...
So I was just wondering...
A) Why didn't they try using the windshield wipers to get it off.
B) Why didn't they stop to remove it!
C) Why didn't they stop to remove it!!
D) Why didn't they stop to remove it!!!

It was clearly blocking their view of the roadway...lazy people make me crazy...
Just goes to continually prove my theory that the world contains more Flying Monkeys than Professor Marvels.
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/14/2004

I Am Just As Lost As You...
These guys are pretty kool. The Trapt website has one of the koolest layouts/design I've seen in a while and has the greatest online jukebox that I have ever heard. It is just as crystal clear as on my iTunes. Amazin'. The CD is pretty refreshing.

Believe me, I'm just as lost as you...and every time I think I've finally made it I learn I'm farther away than I've ever, been before.. [T]
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/10/2004
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Insert into the Conjunctiva
For the love of Mike....

Of all the crazy true thing I eva heard this be the craziest....
In a nutshell... they fuse and object of art to your frikin' eyeball...into your eye...fusin' something to your eye, your own precious eyeball, your eyeball for goodness sake!!!
And this shizzel isn't like once at band camp or I''ll just wash it off..
This is considered a procedure which speakes volumes
a) There have been mistakes/accidents and
b) We have perfected the manner in which it is done because see item a)...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/09/2004
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I just paid $2.03 a gallon for gas today... I did not even fill it up... mostly because it was the slowest pump ever and I had naps to take and drinkizzels to drink...

And now for something totally different!!!
...as always make sure you sound is on ;-)
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/07/2004
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Ride With Me...
Everbuzz:: Video from The Vines
This is one of the most enjoyable videos I have seen in a while... click on the link and then choose your format for the video 'Ride'
And crankizzel your speakerizzels like there is no tomorowizzel!

I have not wanted to be in a video so badly since Lenny Kravitz' 'Are Ya Gonna Go My Way?' ...

This dude has decided to take a picture everyday and post it ...he has only been doing it for like 6 months...
p.s. when I started writing this sentence I thought it was for 4 years when I decided to double check and saw it only goes back to october 2003...ummm still kool though ;-)
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/06/2004
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Ten Years And Still...
Ten years and still I think what could have been... I miss ya...

And by the way thanks for leaving me here...all by myself...alone...and thanks for being so selfish... and not thinking about anyone else...and although I'm really sorry and eventhough I am aware of the circumstances/situation...however... I do not accept...that is not enough for me...

You could have been supergreat...

I know you did not see it that way but you must have seen some of it...

Why then...?

Uggh.. I can't believe I still feel this way... all this time...after all these years...but I guess I do...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/05/2004
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Daylight Savings Time
I just stood in front of my alarm clock for a minute at 12:59 am to see if it went to right to 2 am....It did not.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.- Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790, American Scientist, Publisher, Diplomat
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/04/2004
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Definition of Irony
Now this is the defintition of irony. Why can't we just all get along...

Blue Man Group's 'The Complex' is out over a year but the new remake of 'I Feel Love'-video clip chose your format and then crank the sound as high as it can go- is wildly toe tapping. The whole cd is really kinda good..I don't own any of the other stuff and I have not seen them bu the i heard their performances are groovey
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/03/2004
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The Mad World
I heard this a few Fridays ago driving... when it was rainy and dreary and crappy and gray and I was totally feelin' it...the teary eyes...the sighs...the whole ten yards

It was like I just discovered the plans for the house I already lived in...

It is called 'Mad World' and is a remake of the Tears For Fears song of the same name by this other guy ... Gary Jules...
Even the Girl D.J. on the radio after the tune was over said "Sorry about that everybody... umm...cheer up!"

I thunk'd 'Is it strange that this song seemed so new yet so very familiar...?'

Then I did a Goggle search for it...

It is from from 'Donnie Darko'... the movie...which I totally dig/dug...and that is when I first heard it...and last heard it.... 18 months ago...

Then I heard it again on that Thursday...driving from work ... right from the begining

Then I did it again on that Monday... right from the beginning

Then I heard it again... from the beginning... the day after Patty's Day

Then again on Friday at 6 pm...from the beginning....hollah!

And then again! Again on monday from the beginning.....

And then again wednesday right totally right from the beginning...I know!

And dammit wouldn't ya know I was watching Leno this Monday, which I never do, and the S.O.B. Gary Jules was on there...and I caught it... right from the beginning...

Different stations...different times...I felt like it was after me or it was like 'Joan of Arcadia'...what am I suppose to do... what does it mean... driving me crazy!

And then finally they had played it on some station yesterday but it was the song before..."You just heard 'Hero' by Foo Fighters and before that 'Mad World' by Gary Jules "...and so the curse of The Mad World has been lifted from my burdened shoulders...yippieizzel!

Turns out the dude, Gary Jules, has a new album coming out and this track is on it...I just wanted to say I heard this when this song was kewl...like 1.5 years ago...right when before you start hearing 30 times a day.... :-)
Your welcome!

P.S. It totally just frekin played on my iPOD right when I wuz typin'...right now...crap!... crap!... ummm...curse back on :-(

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
And their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tommorow, no tommorow

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World
Mad World

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad World
Mad World
Mad World
Mad World

///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 4/01/2004
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