Another summer day... has come and gone away...
And I am surrounded by a million people... I still feel all alone...
I miss you... you know......
In a word... iamjusttoofarfromwhereyouareiwannacomehome... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/31/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Do not read before 8 p.m....
I mean it...
...don't read it...
Are you reading it?
... don't...
... and of course.... Happy Surpise Birthday Party...
In a word...urule... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/30/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
I Just Lost Five Bucks... |
I won't say how or why but.... ohhhhh I promise... I promise you... my revenge will be clear and swift and it will most definitely be severe ...
And in other newz...
Did ya see where they are creating a chain of islands that look like the map of the world...
...money making money....
In a word... a7thgradegirlscanmake3basketsinarowfromaningroundpooltoanabovegroundbasket... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/29/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
All I Need Is The Rollin' Of The Ocean And The Shine Of The Sun... |
Talk About Your Hot Hot Heat... |
If I Knew I Was Going To See This Today I Would Have Gotten Up Waaaay Earlier... |
Whilest I was driving around in the really rich ritzier part of town... I made a wrong turn that lead to the long forgotton past.. . At the end of this road were two solitary objects surrounded by hollowed out recepticals... And it was then that my eyes beheld a tragic wonder... An image I had not seen nor even envisioned since the early years of my youth many many years ago...
Galaga and Tron!
Yikes... talk about your game over...
And yes... I realize that you are all waiting to see an image of these two beauties loaded into the back of my Jeep... ..but alas... their destiny lies elsewhere... Besides... I am rarely awake... let alone coherent/coordinated... hand/eye/foot/what... ...and all the quarters... you know all my money goes to The K-Haul and The C-Feine...
I'm sorry but it was for the best that I left them there... have hope... and plus I am not the only one...
Remember... the garbage cans were all empty... and yet... they remained...
In a word...wicked... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/26/2005
2 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Grease Is The Time... Is The Place... Is The Motion... |
Is it weird that I heard this song today and was totally jammin' to it.?!? I never really listen to the lyrics or anything before... But let me tell ya... I pulled into Sev's like I was the shiz... I tought it was so totally kool and wouldn't ya know it not a few hours later heard 'Summer Lovin'... Which tragically but not coincidently I sang a duet to at karaoke where the karaoke guy said you two sounded good...true story...
This is the life of illusion... Wrapped up in trouble... Laced with confusion... What we doing here?
We take the pressure and we throw away Conventionality belongs to yesterday There is a chance that we can make it so far We start believing now that...
... we can be who we are...
yeah man...
Pretty hot now...
Ahh... I remeber when...
In a word...greaseistheword... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/25/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
I am not entirely sure why I began this entry... or why I so freakin' totally forgot what I was going to say... weird...
Well... when in doubt... anagram it out...
In a word... goodluck... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/24/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Grey Traffix Super Sux... Blue Mountains So Rule... |
One Small Step For Man... One Giant Leap For Everkind... |
Ragin' Vacation Nation:: Part Deux:: We're Baaaack... |
It was super awesome... and I promise colorful commentary to follow... I just need a day or two to recoup...
And it seems while I was ah relaxin' and ah drinkin' everyone else was ah buzy...
I guess it is nice to be wanted... but that was ah totally redicurous!
...and dudes... it wasn't long enough...
In a word... freakinfantasticfoggyfun... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/19/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Ragin' Vacation Nation:: Part Deux |
Two vacations in one year... lucky me!
And at another kick arse beach house! (Same Ocean, Different State)
Fill ya in when I buzz back!
In a word... yippie... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/14/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Uggh... and it was so totally hot today... dammit!
But I did see this really weird tree...
And then all of a sudden... suddenly... stormy weather...
I guess life is full of disappointments/surprises...
In a word... natureweirdlyrulz... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/13/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Just Take My Hand And I Will Help You Stand... |
New Default album is coming out soon...
These guys uber rule!
I totally can't wait... it kinda makes me feel a little nervous... new albums always do... and no I don't know why... weird.
'Just take my hand and I will help you stand' is a lyric from their new tune 'Count On Me'... I totally dig it... I hope iTunes carries it since iHeard it moments ago on their internet radio thingie... of which I can not live without... however they have not carried anything by Default before but here is to hoping...
(from the site) Default will soon release a new track on radio called 'Count On Me.' The Track was produced by Chad Kroeger (Nickelback) & Joey Moi in Vancouver. In addition, the band has recorded two songs for their upcoming album with producer Rich Robinson (The Black Crowes). Right now the band is in LA finishing the rest of the record with producer Bob Marlette (Seether, Saliva ).
Oh Yeah! Jackpot!
Sounds like it is a win! Win! Win!
In other newz...
I call this one... Infinity Definitely...
In a word...itotallyheartnewmusic... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/12/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
I Totally Just Got An E-Mail From 1976... Re:Coke vs. Pepsi... |
Either the innernext is really really slow or someone from the future is trying to tell me something...
I totally just got this in my 'inbox'
In other newz...
The name of the boat was 'Tranquility'. Sorry about the fuzzy clarification... I was equal parts 'too close' and 'too far' to get a really good image of the boat's name.. but trust me.. it totally said 'Tranquilizer'
//Ummm... is that what I 'read' or is that what I 'needed' ... anyone... huh... now that's weird... hmmm//
In a word... retrofuturisticismscaresme... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/11/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
I Am So Totally Really Bored From Being Really Really Bored...Really... |
Or maybe I am just lazy...
I totally could have done something really awesome and kewl today...
I did not.
A million kewl opportunities... gone in a flash...
I think I may even be a lil' mad at mahself that I did not go... actually... I think I am mad.
Plus... I did not even make a pot of coffee nor venture outside nor even pop in my new Netflix...
Disturbing this is...
All the crap I give about the fact that I have nothing to do and then when I have something to do I chose to do nothing...
Meh... I was prolly better off not going anyway...
Or maybe... I am... just a loser...
In a word... loserwithacapitalooooser... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/09/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
... And All This Rain... It Super Sux... |
A Prayer... For London... |
How Can I Not Not Remember ... |
...oh no...
Is it weird that I can't...
How can I not not remember it where/when all I do is remember it...
And by remember I mean trying to forget about it... like it never even happened...
And that will never happen...
It's so strange...
It's tough because the remaining reminders are all around ...
And in most ways... it will always will be...
I'm so sorry...
In a word... iamsosorryforwhathappened... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/05/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Happy 4th Everybody... And Please... Stop Yelling... |
Greatest. Party. Ever.
Good Friends... Good Times... Good Brews...
Smokey Mc Pot and Lady M threw an awesome bash last nite...
This is written posthumously because I think I died last night... no different than last year...
I feel like I've been to an amusement park where the park closed and I was left on the ride... running all night long... oh yeah... it was that good :-)
I think there is only one person in worse shape than me...
Good job buddy... good job...
P.S. I'd like indepence from my swollen liver and an emancipation from my throbing brain... classic
In a word...agoodtimewashadbyall... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/04/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Jello That Burns Goin' Down... Priceless |
Check it...
1 Large Aluminum Turkey Pan... $2.39 1 Tub of Cool Whip... 2.89 1 Small jar of Star Shaped Sprinkles... 1.87 6 Packages of Sugar Free Jello... $5.45 1 Liter of Absolut Vodka... $21.99
Jello that burns going down... priceless
...and it broke all the Laws of Physics by the shear fact that it actually jelled... I KNOW!
In a word...iheartdirtyjello... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/03/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
What A Total Difference A Year Makes... |
I was able to be graced by all of this...
Instead of dealing with all of this ...
In a word... iwouldhavescreamedifiknewthenwhatiknownow... |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 7/01/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
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