It Is Easy To Leave When You Have Been Left Behind... |
It is easy to leave when you have been left behind...
Gursh Durnnit!
I know...
I misquoted but...
But.......but I know what I heard...
I did...
I know......
Mine sounds better...
Or is it...
Mine sounds familliar...
Gursh Durnnit!...Dammit!
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 10/22/2004
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
The Day After Tomorrow... |
With The Sun In Your Eyes... |
These guys super uber rule... it is like as if these songs were a wish that your mind made... you hear a few tunes and you are like...' yeah... that's right... that makes sense now...'
Many's the time I ran with you down
The rainy roads of our old town
Many the lives we lived in each day
And buried altogether
Don't laugh at me
Don't look away
You'll follow me back
With the sun in your eyes
And on your own....
And up we'll go
In white light
I don't think so
But what do I know?
What do I know?
I know!
So very Keane...just click on anything that says ' Music' or 'Bedshaped' |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 10/20/2004
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New album drops November 2
Mostly cover of tunes promoting peace, protest songs, etc...
Dude... they do this rendition of Imagine by Lennon and it take it to the level of like... the level of your worst day with your heaviest experience but filled with the words of your greatest hope...
I wait in buzzy breath for the rest of the album....
...A Perfect Circle |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 10/19/2004
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Seventh Month 'Versary... |
I totally got this excellent spam today...
We sent you an email a while ago, because you now qualify for a new mortgage. You could get $300,000 for as little as $700 a month! Bad credit is no problem, you can pull cash out or refinance.
Please click on this link for free consultation by a mortgage broker: Start Saving Here
Best Regards, Molly Funk
That is the greatest Best Regards, I totally eva got... //sigh// Molly Funk...I secretly wish that I work at the same mortgage company as Molly Funk and everytime I say 'Ms. Funk, you need to sign these documents' that suddenly, but not surprisingly, a disco ball would drop, the techno would crank up and all the pens would become glow sticks...
I picture her as a combination 'Claire'(thebreakfastclub) and 'Janet'(superbowl)....
Oh... by the way... her e-mail address is 'Molly Funk' Patsy.Tanner@yapost.com
//Handz in da air//
Sup Patsy!!!
//Puts handz down// |
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 10/16/2004
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
I Saw Two Almost Accidents.... |
Natrually one dude was eating an ice cream cone and totally cut some lady off after someone let him in and the other dude was on a cell and turned into/onto oncoming traffic right outside an insurance office... and btw what is up with ice cream in October.... and then just the other day there was a truck on fire....oh scary time....
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 10/15/2004
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
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