His name is Prince and he is funky... and last night was no exception...
/click above on the black triangle to see the sizzlin' performance/
I just wanted the first song to go on and on... it sounded so full and crisp and complex and totally finger snapin'/toe tappin'/body jammin'... and it had like this familiar/original beat and was like an evolving rollah-coaster as it went along... I could/can listen to it over and over again... two thumbs up...
Even on the second song... Prince almost took the place as one of the backup singers... super kewl!
And by the way... can I say that youtube is like the single super greatest thing since sliced /insert clever irony here/... just one click and you can say hasta-la-bye-bye to the rest of your productive day...
PLUS...I even left the house today...
... gettin' super 'supplies' for the great game tonight... and YES... I am gonna take it easy... and don't worry... I won't go crazy... I won't even go nuts...
In a word...takemeaway...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/05/2006