I Am In Your Home... Right Now... |
It's Like The Sound... Of A Million Pumpkins... Smashing... |
Ughh... uggggh... shush... shussssssh...
Dudes... click delicately upon this blog today...
... yeah... I kindah ah-part-yahd last night like I was the un-dead-able... and now I am...
... yeah... well... datz about right... and stop yellin' already... gosh... already...
and so here ya go... stop yellin' stop yellin' stop yellin'already... the smashing pumpkins...
... oh man... what... what year is it...
In a word... dapartysototallyruled...
Nicklebee... please... stop... shoutin'... yeah... I went out last night... and Yes I told you... what do you mean you don't remember me sayin' that...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 10/30/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
The Super Big Happy Halloween Party Is... Tonite... Gasp... |
Uggh dudes...
... so The Super Big Happy Halloween Party is tonite at Cap'n n' Special K's pad ... and on the party invitation it says that the party "starts at 7:30 pm and ends when 'I' pass out"... my real name... me... was totally right there... in black surrounded by orange... totally swear.... and I dig the homage... and I am so totally ready for the task... but as for a costume... well... I am still a lil' bit working on it... but here is a glimpse...
Can't really talk now... gotta go out and get duct tape... pastic knives... spray paint... some velcro... and an 18-pack... ;-)... for courage/inspiration.
In a word...wonderwonder...
Hey...Nicklebee... stop teasing and hand me that stapler... stat! ... oops... and yes... I knew that was a scissor... but the stapler is grey too ya know... right... of course you don't... I forgot... you're a lil' color blind... by bad... sorry... now help me... please...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 10/29/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Randum Iz As Randum Duz... |
Mizrizable Iza Four Letter Word Yo... |
After A Hard Day's Work..... |
First off... some sad news...
My only concern was to get home after a hard day's work .
Uggh dudes... and it was so crappy and cold and dark today...
I even wore a jacket and jeans and boots out today... I guess I won't see my shorts and/or sandals for anotha six months... And we are 'spose to get like tonz o' rain and wind and floodin' most of tonite... hurray!
And is it weird that I just watched Kingdom Of Heaven tonite... And on my way home I hear on the radio /radioyousuckanyway/ Heaven ...by Warrant And then on my pod I just heard Just Like Heaven... Totally true!
Should I be concerned...
And I have officially seen it all...
In a word...igiveup...
Hey Nicklebee... why can't you be kewl like that...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 10/24/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Like Lightning Bugs In A Glass Jelly Jar... |
Oh man... I had so much I wanted to talk about today but... I did not write any of it down... ... and I forgot it all... and I have no idea where I was even going to start...
uggh... like lightning bugs in a glass jelly jar that inevitably gets dropped... and cracks open... and so go all the flashing inspriational thoughts rising up and spiral around and out into the dusky distance...
... never to be seen again...
Well now what do I do. crap.
In a word... dammit...
Oh Nicklebee.../sigh/... I would never keep you against your own will... really ... I wouldn't... really... ... well at least be happy that you ain't in no jar... well... at least not yet... Hey I keed... I keed... ;-)
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 10/23/2005
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...
Tall Scrapers... Low Visibility... Miles Travelled... Steady As We Go... |
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