Everyday Shenanigans With Colorful Commentary

God Is My Co-Pilot...

Yeah... I may already know that... and this is how...

Dudes... I see or can see this stuff like every single day... and you can too... heavy...

... and all the pics are in chronological order within'ah span of like 20 minutes with a startin' time of 5:05 pm-ish except for the last pic which was my first pic of the day...

... in one of the pics there is a cloud shaped like a leaping dog... but the whole pic was too kewl to krop ;-)

... and I never even knew that this was a book... my whole life I always just thought that it was an expression... flying ace Robert Lee Scott wrote it...

He died today at the age of 97.


In a word... thedayiownedthesky...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/27/2006
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...

I Used To Be A Whale...

I used to be a whale...
That roamed and ruled the sea...
Strangely somehow I ended up here...
And thought... what a mighty tale this will be...

But the years and years drew on and on...
And no one came around to hear my song...
So I sang less and less and slowly grew still...
Where I now remain... raw... under this blistering chill...

//Whoa... Deep//

So yeah... Dudes... today was so super nice out...

... hard to believe that we had a blizzardizzle just like three daze ago... and the way the snow was melting... it was almost like watching time lapse but in real time... really...

Ummm.... well... I'd have to be pretty stupid to write a book about killing and then kill the way I described in my book... I'd be announcing myself as the killer... I'm not stupid... and so the official Basic Instinct 2 website is up and ah-stabbin'... I even blog'd about it ah-way back when... almost ah-year to the day... when I said it should be called Geriatric Istink! ...

... and a whole lot has changed in FOURTEEN years... yikes and bikes... I know!

//and yes... I have seen the super secret online 'documentary'//

... and I am pretty sure that anything else they show in the movie is not only stuff we have already seen in other movies or even already on television but anything that they will show is really only just a mouse click away from the end of this sentence and a heck ov'a lot cheaper.

What are you going to do... charge me with smoking?

... Well...YES... now we can!

In a word...riskaddictionicepickcigarette...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/16/2006
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A Water Tower's Million Collected Drops...Tiny iPod's Billion Downloaded Pops...

Hey water tower...
Wow you are high...
Sup water tower...
Everyday I drive by...

I saw you again...
You were out of my way...
But I did not mind...
Just wanted to say hey...

AND yeah... did ya hear about this... iTunes is giving away like a black 4GB iPod nano and a $100 iTunes Music Gift Card if you are the one person to download every 100,000th song... howyowzah!

And check out the super great grand prize for the dude/dudette who downloads...
...The Life Altering Magical Mythical Beautiful One Billionth Song...

And in addition, Apple will create a full-ride scholarship in your name to a world-renowned music school. Just think: You could help launch the careers of an entire generation of musicians...

WHOA!... You like instantly simultaneously become A Rock God, A Musical Legend and The Envy of Everyone you know as they call you The Super Rock Playah with a Heart of Gold!

... and all it takes to win will just be a single click... 99 cents and a dream... HEY ya never know :-P

What I am most surprised about is that the blogsphere as a whole has not devised its own renegade contest in tryin' to guess The One Billionth Downloaded Song or even the fact that it has not even become a spam mail... or at the very least a chain E-letter... is kinda funny...

My personal favorite guess/hope would totally either be... "Not an Addict" by K's Choice or "Creep" by Radiohead... can't really decide... I would totally love to be the one to win with either one of those downloads...

...but it will prolly be "Walking On Sunshine" cuz it will look/be kewl in all the promos and they have like 15+ different versions of it too... soooo the odds are lookin' pretty good Vegas ;-)

... but my All Time Secret Favorite Winnin' Billionth Download would be one of them audio books... doesn't matter which one... any which one would do... that would be the ultimate prize... an immigrant trying to learn the language or a grandma who has difficulty readin' or a nerdy nerd ends up gettin' an Instant Lifetime Achievement of Awesome Rock n' Rollah Hollah Immortalization Into Pop Clulture Iconography!


In a word...ifeelthelovethatsreallyreal....
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/15/2006
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Love Is A Concrete Rowboat...

Love is a Concrete Rowboat...
Regret is a Razorblade Laced Life Preserver...

Here... enjoy these solitary and cold objects...

Happy Valentine's Day >:-(

In a word... gotohell...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/14/2006
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Music For Autopsies...
Yeah so... this kah-razy dude put together some of the tunes they use in CSI for the autopsies and it is an iMix on iTunes but you can't search for it like a regular song or album or artist ... you have to be in the iMix section which is a clickable just to the left when you first open the Music Store... and then search for 'Autopsies'... I dig it... kinda krazy kreepy kewl...

And here so lies the remains of the great failed experiment... The Budweiser Blizzardizzle Amount O' Meter... which evidently was doomed from the start... and still it looks like we only got an inch... damn you Concept of Fluid Mechanics concerning Vortex Shedding ... damn you straight to the flamin' fires of Hades!

Plus... my plants seem to be unfaz'd about the whole blizzardizzle deal...

OH!... Did ya hear about this movie called 1,000 WORDS where some guy has only 1,000 words left to speak and then he dies... funky... if I wuz him I'd start takin' a whole lots of pictures... get it!?!

In a word... whoareyou...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/13/2006
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Oh Me... Oh My...O Fortuna...
Oh MAN! All the different places O Fortuna pops up in... just a quick short list... and they say you can't get culture from the innernext...

And by the way... Continuing Ed still stank... I even drove all the way home and back during lunch... I know it sounds kinda sad but if I see some of these peeps acting in the outside world like they act inside the classroom... I may have to make a citizenz arrest... and by citizenz arrest I mean yadda yadda yadda...

...nice weather though...

In a word... carminaburana...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/09/2006
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Give Me Steam... And How You Feel... Can Make It Real...

And YES it is STEAM and NO it is not FIRE... unless it is a fire that has been burnin' for a few decades... GOSH!

Uggh... yeah so... I started my first day of three daze of Continuing Education Classes today and boy did it stank... not only was I the youngest one by like at least 25 years... it was like being in a room of five year olds... constantly complainin' that there was no danish/where's the danish/last time there was danish/will danish be here later/any donuts/well how about muffins/where's the decaf/any equal... totally talking over the instructor who is talking to them actually answering a question that they had actually asked... alpha lozerz in general... arguing pointless arguments... laughing loudly at some stupid inside technical joke that trust me was never ever funny to begin with... totally loud side conversations about the price of whothehellcares... making comments and acting disgusted when someone else's cell phone goes off and then acting 'important' when their own cell goes off after repeatedly being asked to shut them off... grrrr...

... all within 25 minutes... of a 480 minute course... for that day... dudes... I gots two more daze of this ahead of me... and right now I would either like to have a bottle infront of me or a frontal labotomy...

...serenity now...

Uggh... not to mention I had to get up at like 7 AM... which those in the know know that that is like 4 hours earlier than I usually get up on a regular basis...

//Eight Saw-like grueling hours later//

/Ignoring new facial tick/

Ahhh... nice sunset... so pretty...

In other newz... Kanye West to do Mission Impossible 3 theme... and I am thinkin' Bill Murray and Star Wars...

... well we'll see...

Hey... sup Peter G.!

In a word...diggininthedirt...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/08/2006
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I'm Fulfilled In What I Do...
Man... this winter/summer weather is out of control... crusin' around... windows rolled down... radio blastin'... hardly a cloud in the big bright blue sky...

And then I suddenly notice alot if not all flags were at half mast...

... and I now remember why...

I'm fulfilled in what I do...
I never thought that a lot of money or fine clothes...
...the finer things of life...
...would make you happy.
My concept of happiness is to be filled in a spiritual sense.
-Coretta Scott King

In a word... peace...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/07/2006
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Super Up Way Too Early... Where's The Bowl...
Uggh... yeah this is me... circa 7:15 am...

... there is no real reason for me to be friggin' up this early... EVAH!

So I'm driving home this morning from The Super Super Bowl Part-ah last night... /hic/ and I feel awesometerrible... and it is really important that I... oh hey... look it's water tower... /hic/... hi tall guy... /brup/


I need to go to bed... ah-gain... I don't feel so well...


In a word...brownandbubbly...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/06/2006
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The Purple One Ignites On SNL...

His name is Prince and he is funky... and last night was no exception...

/click above on the black triangle to see the sizzlin' performance/

I just wanted the first song to go on and on... it sounded so full and crisp and complex and totally finger snapin'/toe tappin'/body jammin'... and it had like this familiar/original beat and was like an evolving rollah-coaster as it went along... I could/can listen to it over and over again... two thumbs up...

Even on the second song... Prince almost took the place as one of the backup singers... super kewl!

And by the way... can I say that youtube is like the single super greatest thing since sliced /insert clever irony here/... just one click and you can say hasta-la-bye-bye to the rest of your productive day...

PLUS...I even left the house today...

... gettin' super 'supplies' for the great game tonight... and YES... I am gonna take it easy... and don't worry... I won't go crazy... I won't even go nuts...

In a word...takemeaway...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/05/2006
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Everything I Wanted Is Now Driving Me Away...

I woke this morning...
To the sound of breaking hearts...
Mine is full of questions...
And it's tearing yours apart...
Tearing yours apart...

And it's tearing us apart...

I won't even say who but... I thought that they would be together for a long long while... but I guess it just was not meant to be... I think that she is super great... in my first apartment I would listen to her first album over and over and over again... it was a great comfort... and he is no doubt super kewl... a huge inspiration to all who have to go thru what he did...

... hopefully they can find love elsewhere...

And it may be apropo that it's rainin' again... all day... even after yesterdaze spectacular finish...

Ahhh... The Perfect Splash!

At least it ain't snow!

In a word... alliwannado...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/04/2006
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From Showers To Shine... From SuitSat To SuitSickle...

And it was so weird 'cuz I totally slept thru the morning... knowing it wuz gonna be crappy out... and still when I woke up noonish it was still miserable out... but when I finally went outside and the more I drove... the lighter it became and the clouds burned off and it grew warmer... it like went from U.K. to Cancun in like 45 minutes... funky...

And in funkier newz... they are sending out a ham radio satellite made out of... get this... a retired space suit... it is funny, funky and educationable... more from the website...

'Using a simple police scanner or ham radio, you can listen to a disembodied spacesuit circling Earth...
One of the strangest satellites in the history of the space age is about to go into orbit.
Launch date: February 3rd.
That's when astronauts onboard the International Space Station (ISS) will hurl an empty spacesuit overboard...'

... read the rest here...

The spacesuit is the satellite -- "SuitSat" for short...

And you can track it here but sadly... as I slowly blogged... the SuitSat tragically froze...

... bye bye SuitSat... we hardly knew thee...

In a word... suitsickle...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/03/2006
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And I Float Upon A Shallow Bay...
Ahhh... another beautiful winter day...

It is so strange... the most snow we have gotten this year is just a few inches that melted right away... I think I only even shovel'd once... so much better that last year's Bizzardizzels...

And on top of that Punxsutawney Phil says it will be six more weeks o' winter... and if by winter he means daze like today... I'll take it...

And is it weird that I just downloaded an older album from August 27, 2002 from Breaking Benjamin called SATURATE just because it was released on iTunes like only two daze ago... well is it...?

And is it weird that I kinda dig the fact that my new music is almost 3.5 years old... well is it...?

... and no I have not heard it out in the open world... so the jury is still out... but so far... what me hear me like...

... and it's not like I am obssesed... ummm.... or anything...


In a word... sixmoreweekshurray...
///posted by the often humiliated but never decaffeinated X @ 2/02/2006
0 Fresh Colorful Commentaries...

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